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作者:金飞     日期:2021-10-26   点击数:10  




1999/1-2013/11 美国国立卫生研究所(NIH) 博士后

1995/9 - 1998/7,北京医科大学,病理生理学,博士,导师:韩启德

1986/9 - 1989/7,苏州医学院,药理学,硕士,导师:杨毓麟

1981/9 - 1986/7,南通医学院,临床医学,学士,导师:陶锦昌


2014/7 - 至今,威尼斯游戏中国官方入口网站,威尼斯游戏中国官方入口网站,教授

2010/11 - 2014/12,美国TEMPLE大学,Physiology,助理教授

2003/11 - 2010/10,美国NIH/NIA,心血管科学所,高级研究员


现任中国生理学会理事、中国药理学会表观遗传药理学专委会常务委员, 病理生理学会心血管专业委员会委员, 心血管专业委员会委员等职务。













名称:BAG3 在缺血性心脏病保护作用















获资助金额:23 万元、


5.1ZIAAG000287-13 CARDIOPROTECTION BY CAMKII-DB IS MEDIATED BY      INDUCIBLE HSP70, NIH Intramural program, $1,195,869, Role: PI



  1. Sun SZ, Cao H, Yao N, Zhao LL, Zhu XF, Ni EA, Zhu Q,Zhu WZ.β-Arrestin 2 mediates arginine vasopressin-induced IL-6 induction via the ERK1/2-NF-κB signal pathway in murine hearts.Acta Pharmacol Sin. 2020 Feb;41(2):198-207. doi: 10.1038/s41401-019-0292-y.

  1. Ni E, Zhao L, Yao N, Zhu X, Cao H, Sun S,Zhu W.The PXXP domain is critical for the protective effect of BAG3 in cardiomyocytes.Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 2019 May;46(5):435-443. doi: 10.1111/1440-1681.13031. Epub 2019 Mar 7.

  1. Zhang Y, Wang WE, Zhang X, Li Y, Chen B, Liu C, Ai X, Zhang X, Tian Y, Zhang C, Tang M, Szeto C, Hua X, Xie M, Zeng C, Wu Y, Zhou L, Zhu W, Yu D, Houser SR, Chen X. Cardiomyocyte PKA Ablation Enhances Basal Contractility While Eliminates Cardiac β-Adrenergic Response Without Adverse Effects on the Heart. Circ Res. 2019 Jun 7;124(12):1760-1777. doi: 10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.118.313417. Epub 2019 Apr 15.

  1. Guo A, Wang Y, Chen B, Wang Y, Yuan J, Zhang L, Hall D, Wu J, Shi Y,Zhu Q, Chen C, Thiel WH, Zhan X, Weiss RM, Zhan F, Musselman CA, Pufall M, Zhu W, Au KF, Hong J, Anderson ME, Grueter CE, Song LS. E-C coupling structural protein junctophilin-2 encodes a stress-adaptive transcription regulator. Science. 2018 Dec 21;362(6421):eaan3303. doi: 10.1126/science.aan3303. Epub 2018 Nov 8.

  1. Xu F, Sun S, Wang X, Ni E, Zhao L, Zhu W. GRK2 Mediates Arginine Vasopressin-Induced Interleukin-6 Production via Nuclear Factor-κB Signaling Neonatal Rat Cardiac Fibroblast. Mol Pharmacol. 2017 Sep;92(3):278-284

  1. Lingling Zhang, Yunxuan Chen, Xi Zhao, Xiaojun Wang, Feifei Xu, Yifan Wang, Anthony Yiu-Ho Woo, Weizhong Zhu. Vasopressin receptor V1A mediates cell proliferation through GRK2-ERK1/2 pathway in A7r5 cells. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeuties (submitted)

  2. Yunxuan Chen, BS1, #, Xiaojun Wang, BS1,#, Lingling Zhang, BS1, Feifei Xu, MD1,  Yifan Wang, MD1, Anthony Yiu-Ho Woo, PhD2, Weizhong Zhu, MD, PhD1,* GRK2/-arrestin mediates arginine vasopressin-induced cardiac fibroblast proliferation. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology (submitted).

  3. Zhu W, Tsang S, Browe DM, Woo AY, Huang Y, Xu C, Liu JF, Lv F, Zhang Y, Xiao RP.  Interaction of 1-adrenoceptor with RAGE mediates cardiomyopathy Via CaMKII signaling. JCI insight, 2016; 1(1): e84969

  4. Wang J, Wang Y, Zhang W, Zhao X, Chen X, Xiao W, Zhang L, Chen Y, Zhu W. Phenylephrine promotes cardiac fibroblast proliferation through calcineurin-NFAT pathway. Front Biosci (Landmark Ed). 2016 Jan 1; 21:502-13.

  5. Woo AY, Song Y, Zhu W, Xiao RP. Advances in Receptor Conformation Research: The Quest for Functionally Selective Conformations Focusing on the β2 -Adrenoceptor. Br J Pharmacol. 2015 Dec;172(23):5477-88

  6. Woo AY, Song Y, Xiao R, Zhu W. Biased β2 -adrenoceptor signalling in heart failure: pathophysiology and drug discovery. Br J Pharmacol. Dec;172(23):5444-56.

  7. Liao RJ, Tong LJ, Huang C, Cao WW, Wang YZ, Wang J, Chen XF, Zhu WZ, Zhang W.Rescue of cardiac failing and remodelling by inhibition of protein phosphatase 1γ is associated with suppression of the alternative splicing factor-mediated splicing of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase δ. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 2014 Dec;41(12):976-85. doi: 10.1111/1440-1681.12308.

  8. Huang C, Cao W, Liao R, Wang J, Wang Y, Tong L, Chen X, Zhu W, Zhang W. PP1γ functionally augments the alternative splicing of CaMKIIδ through interaction with ASF.Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2014 Jan 15;306(2):C167-77. doi: 10.1152/ajpcell.00145.2013. Epub 2013 Nov 6

  9. Chen QQ, Zhang W, Chen XF, Bao YJ, Wang J, Zhu WZ. Electrical field stimulation induces cardiac fibroblast proliferation through the calcineurin-NFAT pathway. Can J Physiol Pharmacol. 2012 Dec;90(12):1611-22

  10. Feldman AM, Hamad E, Tsai E,Zhu W, Tilley DG, Alvarez R, Cheung JY.Response to "clarification of enrolled subjects in tolvaptan HF trials" Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2014 Dec;96(6):661

  11. Tilley DG, Zhu W, Myers VD, Barr LA, Gao E, Li X, Song J, Carter RL, Makarewich CA, Yu D, Troupes CD, Grisanti LA, Coleman RC, Koch WJ, Houser SR, Cheung JY, Feldman AM. β-adrenergic receptor-mediated cardiac contractility is inhibited via vasopressin type 1A-receptor-dependent signaling. Circulation. 2014 Nov 11;130(20):1800-11

  12. Feldman AM, Begay RL, Knezevic T, Myers VD, Slavov DB, Zhu W, Gowan K, Graw SL, Jones KL, Tilley DG, Coleman RC, Walinsky P, Cheung JY, Mestroni L, Khalili K, Taylor MR. Decreased levels of BAG3 in a family with a rare variant and in idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. J Cell Physiol. 2014 Nov;229(11):1697-702

  13. Zhu W, Tilley DG, Myers VD, Tsai EJ, Feldman AM.Increased Vasopressin 1A Receptor Expression in Failing Human Hearts. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2014 Feb 4;63(4):375-6.

  14. Feldman AM, Hamad E, Tsai EJ, Zhu W, Tilley DG, Alvarez R, Cheung JY. Vasopressin Antagonists for Patients With Acute Heart Failure: Interpreting New Clinical and Translational Data. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2013 Dec 17. doi: 10.1038/clpt.2013.240.

  15. Zhu W(co-corresponding author), Tilley DG, Myers VD, Coleman RC, Feldman AM. Arginine Vasopressin Enhances Cell Survival Via a GRK2-βarrestin1-ERK1/2-Dependent Pathway in H9c2 Cells. Mol Pharmacol. 201384(2):227-35

  16. Zhu W (co-corresponding author), Petrashevskaya N, Ren S, Zhao A, Chakir K, Gao E, Chuprun JK, Wang Y, Talan M, Dorn GW 2nd, Lakatta EG, Koch WJ, Feldman AM, Xiao RP. Gi-biased β2AR signaling links GRK2 upregulation to heart failure.Circ Res. 2012; 110(2):265-74.

  17. Hamad EA, Zhu W (co-corresponding author), Chan TO, Myers V, Gao E, Li X, Zhang J, Song J, Zhang XQ, Cheung JY, Koch W, Feldman AM. Cardioprotection of controlled and cardiac-specific over-expression of A(2A)-adenosine receptor in the pressure overload.PLoS One. 2012;7(7):e39919.

  18. Chen QQ, Zhang W, Chen XF, Bao YJ, Wang J, Zhu WZ. Electrical field stimulation induces cardiac fibroblast proliferation through the calcineurin-NFAT pathway.Can J Physiol Pharmacol. 2012; 90(12):1611-22

  19. Zhang W, Chen XF, Huang YJ, Chen QQ, Bao YJ, Zhu WZ.2,3,4',5-Tetrahydroxystilbene-2-O-β-d-glucoside inhibits angiotensin II-induced cardiac fibroblast proliferation via suppression of the reactive oxygen species-extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 pathway.Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 2012; 39(5):429-37

  20. Chakir K, Depry C, Dimaano VL, Zhu WZ, Vanderheyden M, Bartunek J, Abraham TP, Tomaselli GF, Liu SB, Xiang YK, Zhang M, Takimoto E, Dulin N, Xiao RP, Zhang J, Kass DA.Galphas-biased beta2-adrenergic receptor signaling from restoring synchronous contraction in the failing heart.Sci Transl Med. 2011; 14;3(100):100ra88.

  21. Zhu W, Woo AY, Zhang Y, Cao CM, Xiao RP. β-adrenergic receptor subtype signaling in the heart: from bench to the bedside.Curr Top Membr. 2011; 67:191-204.

  22. Khalid Chakir, Charlene Depry, Veronica L. Dimaano, Wei-Zhong Zhu, Theodore P. Abraham, Gordon F. Tomaselli, Jin Zhang, Rui Ping Xiao, David A.    Kass  Restoration of Synchronous Contraction in the Failing Heart Yields Gs-Biased Beta-2 Receptor Coupled to RGS2/3 Upregulation.  Science translational    Medicine, 2011, 3(100):100ra88.

  23. Chakir K,  Zhu W (co-corresponding author, equal first author), Tsang S, Woo AY, Yang D, Wang X, Zeng X, Rhee MH, Mende U, Koitabashi N, Takimoto E, Blumer KJ, Lakatta EG, Kass DA, Xiao RP RGS2 is a primary terminator of β(2)-adrenergic receptor-mediated G(i) signaling. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2011;50(6):1000-7.

  24. Qiang Zhou, Jianmin Xiao, Dawei Jiang, Ruiwu Wang, Kannan Vembaiyan, Aixia Wang, Chris D. Smith, Cuihong Xie, Wenqian Chen, Xixi Tian, Peter P. Jones, Xiaowei Zhong, Ang Guo, Jingqun Zhang, Haiyan Chen, Lin Zhang, Weizhong Zhu, Dongmei Yang, Xiaodong Li, Ju Chen, Anne M. Gillis1, Henry J. Duff, Heping Cheng, Arthur Feldman, Long Sheng Song, Michael Fill, Thomas G. Back, and S. R. Wayne Chen.  Unique Action of Carvedilol and Its Novel Non-Beta-Blocking Analogue: Suppression of Arrhythmogenic Store-Overload-Induced Ca2+ Release (SOICR), Nature Medicine, 2011, 10;17(8):1003-1009.

  25. Xu KY, Zhu W, Chen L, DeFilippi C, Zhang J, Xiao RP. Mechanistic distinction between activation and inhibition of (Na(+)+K(+))-ATPase-mediated Ca2+ influx in cardiomyocytes. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2011, 406(2):200-3.

  26.  Xu KY, Zhu W, Xiao RP.  Serine496 of β2 subunit of L-type Ca2+ channel participates in molecular crosstalk between activation of (Na++K+)-ATPase and the channel.Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2010;402(2):319-23.

  27. Zhang W, Qi F, Chen DQ, Xiao WY, Wang J, Zhu WZ.. Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IIdelta orchestrates G-protein-coupled receptor and electric field stimulation-induced cardiomyocyte hypertrophy. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 2010;37(8):795-802.

  28. Zhang W, Chen DQ, Qi F, Wang J, Xiao WY, Zhu WZ. Inhibition of calcium-calmodulin-dependent kinase II suppresses cardiac fibroblast proliferation and extracellular matrix secretion. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2010;55(1):96-105.

  29. Tsang S, Woo AY, Zhu W, Xiao RP. Deregulation of RGS2 in cardiovascular diseases. Front Biosci (Schol Ed). 2010, 1;2:547-57.

  30. Zhang W, Qi F, Chen DQ, Xiao WY, Wang J, Zhu WZ. Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IIdelta orchestrates G-protein-coupled receptor and electric field stimulation-induced cardiomyocyte hypertrophy. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 2010;37(8):795-802. Epub 2010 Mar 30.

  31. Peng W, Zhang Y, Zheng M, Cheng H, Zhu W, Cao CM, Xiao RP.Cardioprotection by CaMKII-deltaB is mediated by phosphorylation of heat shock factor 1 and subsequent expression of inducible heat shock protein 70. Circ Res. 2010, 8;106(1):102-10.

  32. Ekhterae D, Hinmon R, Matsuzaki K, Noma M, Zhu W, Xiao RP, Gorman RC, Gorman JH 3rd. Infarction Induced Myocardial Apoptosis and ARC Activation. J Surg Res. 2009 Jun 6.

  33. Zhang W, Xu XL, Wang YQ, Wang CH, Zhu WZ. Effects of 2,3,4',5-tetrahydroxystilbene 2-O-beta-D-glucoside on vascular endothelial dysfunction in atherogenic-diet rats. Planta Med. 2009;75(11):1209-14.

  34. Peng W, Zhang Y, Zhu WZ, Cao CM, Xiao RP. AMPK and TNF-{alpha} at the crossr oad of cell survival and death in ischaemic heart. Cardiovasc Res. 2009,84(1):42-53.  

  35. Woo A.Y.H., Wang T.B., Zhu WZ., Abernethy D., Wainer I., Xiao R.P. Stereochemistry of an agonist determines coupling preference of 2-adrenoceptor to different G proteins in cardiomyocytes.  Mol. Pharmacol. 2009;75(1):158-65.

  36. Chakir K, Daya SK, Aiba T, Tunin RS, Dimaano VL, Abraham TP, Jaques-Robinson KM, Lai EW, Pacak K, Zhu WZ, Xiao RP, Tomaselli GF, Kass DA. Mechanisms of enhanced beta-adrenergic reserve from cardiac resynchronization therapy.Circulation. 2009; 119(9):1231-40.

  37. Lee DI, Klein MG, Zhu WZ, Xiao RP, Gerzanich V, Xu KY. Activation of Na+ K+-ATPase modulates cardiac L-type Ca2+ channel function.Mol Pharmacol.2009;75(4):774-81.

  38. Ahmet I, Krawczyk M, Zhu WZ, Woo AY, Morrell C, Poosala S, Xiao RP, Lakatta EG, Talan MI.Cardioprotective and survival benefits of long-term combined therapy with beta2 adrenoreceptor (AR) agonist and beta1 AR blocker in dilated cardiomyopathy postmyocardial infarction.J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2008;325(2): 491-9.

  39. Vinogradova T.M., Sirenko S., Lyashkov A.E., Younes A., Li Y., Zhu WZ., Yang D., Ruknudin A.M., Spurgeon H., and Lakatta E.G. Constitutive phosphodiesterase activity restricts spontaneous beating rate of cardiac pacemaker cells by suppressessing Ca2+ realeases. Circ Res. 2008;102(7):761-9.

  40. Zhang W, Wang CH, Li F, Zhu WZ. 2,3,4',5-Tetrahydroxystilbene-2-O-beta-D-glucoside suppresses matrix metalloproteinase expression and inflammation in atherosclerotic rats. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 2008;35(3):310-6.

  41. Jozwiak K, Khalid C, Tanga MJ, Berzetei-Gurske I, Jimenez L, Kozocas JA, Woo A, Zhu WZ, Xiao RP, Abernethy DR, Wainer IW. Comparative molecular field analysis of the binding of the stereoisomers of fenoterol and fenoterol derivatives to the beta2 adrenergic receptor. J Med Chem. 2007; 50(12):2903-15.

  42. ZhuW, Woo AY, Yang D, Cheng H, Crow MT, Xiao RP. Activation of CaMKIIdeltaC is a common intermediate of diverse death stimuli-induced heart muscle cell apoptosis. J Biol Chem. 2007; 282(14):10833-9.

  43. Yang D, Zhu WZ(co-corresponded author), Xiao B, Brochet DX, Chen SR, Lakatta EG, Xiao RP, Cheng H.Ca2+/calmodulin kinase II-dependent phosphorylation of ryanodine receptors suppresses Ca2+ sparks and Ca2+ waves in cardiac myocytes. Circ Res. 2007; 100(3):399-407.

  44. Xiao RP, Zhu W, Zheng M, Cao C, Zhang Y, Lakatta EG, Han Q. Subtype-specific alpha1- and beta-adrenoceptor signaling in the heart. Trends Pharmacol Sci. 2006;27(6):330-7 (invited review).

  45. Lakatta EG, Vinogradova T, Lyashkov A, Sirenko S, Zhu W, Ruknudin A, Maltsev VA. The integration of spontaneous intracellular Ca2+ cycling and surface membrane ion channel activation entrains normal automaticity in cells of the heart's pacemaker.Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2006;1080:178-206. Review.

  46. Beigi F, Bertucci C, Zhu W, Chakir K, Wainer IW, Xiao RP, Abernethy DR. Enantioselective separation and online affinity chromatographic characterization of R,R- and S,S-fenoterol. Chirality. 2006;18(10):822-7.

  47. Wang Y, Zhu WZ, Zhang R, Oddis CV, Hou Y, Yang JY, Price EE, Gleaves L, Eren M, Ni G, Towne R, Vaughan DE, Xiao RP, Anderson ME Calmodulin kinase II inhibition protects against myocardial apoptosis in vivo by phospholamban-dependent and –independent mechanisms  AJP 2006;291(6):H3065-75.

  48. Vinogradova,TM,  Lyashkov AE, Zhu WZ, Ruknudin AM, Lakatta EG High Basal Protein Kinase A-Dependent Phosphorylation Drives Rhythmic Internal Ca2+ Store Oscillations and Spontaneous Beating of Cardiac Pacemaker Cells.
    Circ Res. 2006, 98(4):505-14.

  49. Zhu, WZ, Zeng XK, Zheng M, Xiao RP. The Enigma of ß2-Adrenergic Receptor Gi Signaling in the Heart: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. Circulation research, 2005, 97;507-509 (Editor Comments).

  50. Vinogradova TM, Lyashkov AE, Zhu W, Spurgeon H, Maltsev VA, Lakatta EG (2005). Constitutive phosphodiesterase activity confers negative feedback on intrinsic cAMP-PKA regulation of local rhythmic sarcolemmal calcium release on spontaneous beeting in rabbit sinoatrial node. Biophys J . 2005 88: 303-12.

  51. Zhu WZ, Yang D, Zhang SJ, Chakir K, Cheng H,  Lavoie C, Mercier JF, Bouvier M, Hébert TE, Lakatta EG, Xiao RP. Dimerization of 1- and 2-Adrenergic Receptor Subtypes Optimizes -Adrenergic Modulation of Cardiac Contractility. Cir Res, 2005, 97:244-251.

  52. Zheng, M., Zhu WZ., Han, Q., Xiao, RP.  Emerging Concepts and Therapeutic Implications of  ß -Adrenergic Receptor Subtype Signaling.  Pharmacology & Therapeutics, (Invited Review) 2005.

  53. Wang W, Zhu WZ, Wang S, Yang D, Crow MT, Xiao RP, Cheng H. Sustained 1-Adrenergic Stimulation Modulates Cardiac Contractility by Ca2+/Calmodulin Kinase Signaling Pathway. Circ Res. 2004; 95(8):798-806.

  54. Xiao RP, Zhu WZ, Zheng M, Chakir K, Bond R, Lakatta EG, Cheng H. Subtype-specific -adrenoceptor signaling pathways in the heart and their potential clinical Implications, TIPS 2004,  25(7):358-65.(Invited Review)

  55. Patterson AJ, Zhu WZ, Chow A, Agrawal R, Kosek J, Xiao RP, Kobilka B.  Protecting the myocardium: A role for the 2 adrenergic receptor in the heart. Crit Care Med 2004; 32-1041-1048.

  56. Zhu WZ, Wang SQ, Chakir K, Yang D, Zhang T, Brown JH, Devic E, Kobilka BK, Cheng H, Xiao RP. Linkage of 1-Adrenergic Stimulation to Apoptotic Heart Cell Death through PKA-Independent Activation of Ca2+/Calmodulin Kinase II.  J Clin Invest. 2003, 111(5):617-25.

  57. Zhu WZ, Zheng M, Koch WJ, Lefkowitz RJ, Kobilka BK, Xiao RP.  Dual modulation of cell survival and cell death by beta 2-adrenergic signaling in adult mouse cardiac myocytes.    Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2001; 98:1607-1612.

  58. Xiao RP, Zhang SJ, Chakir K, Avdonin P, Zhu W, Bond RA, Balke CW, Lakatta EG, Cheng H. Enhanced Gi signaling selectively negates ß 2-adrenergic receptor (AR)--but not ß 1-AR-mediated positive inotropic effect in myocytes from failing rat hearts. Circulation. 2003,108:1633-9.

  59. Lavoie C, Mercier JF, Salahpour A, Umapathy D, Breit A, Villeneuve LR, Zhu WZ, Xiao RP, Lakatta EG, Bouvier M, Hébert  TE. Beta1/beta2-adrenergic receptor heterodimerization regulates beta2-adrenergic receptor internalization and ERK signalling efficacy. J. Biol. Chem. 2002,20;277(38):35402-10.

  60. Yang D, Song LS, Zhu WZ, Chakir K, Wang W, Wu CH, Wang YB, Xiao RP, Chen SW, Cheng H.  Calmodulin regulation of excitation-contraction coupling in cardiac myocytes. Circ Res. 2003, 92:659-67.

  61. Zhou YY, Yang D, Zhu WZ, Zhang SJ, Wang DJ, Rohrer DK, Devic E, Kobilka BK, Lakatta EG, Cheng H, Xiao RPSpontaneous activation of beta(2)- but not beta(1)-adrenoceptors expressed in cardiac myocytes from beta(1)beta(2) double knockout mice. Mol Pharmacol 2000; 58:887-94.

  62. Zheng M, Zhang SJ, Zhu WZ, Ziman B, Kobilka BK, Xiao RP beta 2-adrenergic receptor-induced p38 MAPK activation is mediated by protein kinase A rather than by Gi or gbeta gamma in adult mouse cardiomyocytes J Biol Chem. 2000; 275:40635-40.

  63. Zhou YY, Wang SQ, Zhu WZ, Chruscinski A, Kobilka BK, Ziman B, Wang S, Lakatta EG, Cheng H, Xiao RP Culture and adenoviral infection of adult mouse cardiac myocytes: methods for cellular genetic physiology. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 2000; 279:H429-36.

  64. Hagemann D, Kuschel M, Kuramochi T, Zhu WZ, Cheng H, Xiao RP. FN152Frequency-encoding Thr17 Phospholamban Phosphorylation Is Independent of Ser16 Phosphorylation in Cardiac Myocytes. J Biol Chem 2000; 275:22532-6.

  65. Zhang SJ, Cheng H, Zhou YY, Wang DJ, Zhu WZ, Ziman B, Spurgoen H, Lefkowitz RJ, Lakatta EG, Koch WJ, Xiao RP. Inhibition of Spontaneous 2-Adrenergic Activation Rescues 1-Adrenergic Contractile Response in Cardiomyocytes 2-Adrenoceptor J. Biol. Chem. 2000; 275: 21773-21779.

  66. Zhu WZ, Han QD. Mechanism of regulation of Ca2+ sensitization in smooth muscle contraction. Sheng Li Ke Xue Jin Zhan 1997; 28:243-5.

  67. Zhu WZ, Kwan CY, Han C.  Ca2+-dependence of vasoconstriction mediated by alpla1A-adrenoceptors in perfused rat hindlimb: a pharmacological approach. Life Sci 1998;63:PL 89-94.

  68. Zhu W, Zhang Y, Han C Characterization of subtype of alpha1-adrenoceptor mediating vasoconstriction in perfused rat hind limb. Eur J Pharmacol 1997; 329:55-61.

  69. Zhu WZ, Zhang YY, Han QDCharacterization of subtype of alpha 1-adrenoceptor mediating vasoconstriction in perfused rat mesenteric vascular bed. Zhongguo Yao Li Xue Bao (in English) 1998; 20:151-6.

  70. Zhu WZ, Han QD Tyrosine kinases participate in alpha 1A-adrenoceptor-mediated vasoconstriction in perfused rat hindlimb. Zhongguo Yao Li Xue Bao (in English) 1999;19:473-7.

  71. Zhu WZ, Gao Benbo, Li Hewang, Han QD Tyrosine kinase participates in alpha 1A-adrnoceptor-mediated increase of intracellular calcium in human embryo kidney 293 cells. Zhongguo Yao Li Xue Bao (in English) 1999; 20:1025-1030.

  72. Zhu WZ, Yang YL Effects of naphthylmethyl isoquinoline on contraction and calcium flux of rabbit vascular strips in vitro. Zhongguo Yao Li Xue Bao (in English), 1992, 12: 13:176-9.

  73. Zhang W, Zhu WZ, Huang JH.  Comparison of effects of moxonidion and clonidine on decreasing blood pressure in spontaneous hypertensive rats. Chinese Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 2004; 9: 1415-1419.

  74. Zhang W, Zhu WZ, Huang JH. Anti-hypertensive action of moxonidion on secondary hypertension in rats. Chinese Journal of Medicine. 2005; 5: 196-199.


Weizhong Zhu, Anthony Yiu-Ho Woo, Yan Zhang, Chun-Mei Cao and Rui-Ping Xiao -adrenergic   receptor subtype signaling in the heart:from Bench to The bedside. Current Topics in membranes, Volume 67, 2011, p191-p204 Elsevier Inc. Chapter 9.